NORM Equipment
Clearance of NORM Contaminated Equipment in Karratha

Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) was encountered during the decommissioning of an offshore oilfield. The operator of the field engaged was to complete the decontamination of any NORM-impacted equipment taken out of service during the decommissioning process.
The client works closely with Radiation Professionals Australia to manage their Registered Premises for Storage of Radioactive Substances located in Karratha, WA, allowing the client to store, handle, and decontaminate NORM-impacted equipment at these premises. The management of the facility requires additional control measures to be put in place to minimize the occupational exposure to personnel as well as prevent contamination of the environment.
The control measures and system of protection used to manage the premises follow the ALARA* principle . The clients Local Rules also follow the regulatory requirements as set by the — Radiation Safety Act WA (1975) and Radiation Safety (General) Regulations 1983.