Pigging Operation
Pipeline Pig Location and Transit Verification

PIG PATROL – An evolutionary shift in pipeline pig location & transit verification
- Intrinsically safe approach for LNG lines – no interruption to production
- Isotopic tracking – no loss of signal
- Intelligent adaptive algorithms – maximize instrument sensitivity
- Each program is uniquely designed – optimize minimum source size
- Time and Velocity Stamps recorded for each transit – displayed on tracker
- Export Local Services – onsite support personnel, detection and tracking systems and isotope supply.
ELIMINATE THE RISK of lost/stuck pigs
- local company can deploy support personnel faster, 24 hour support service provided
- decades of offshore experience and radiation knowledge provided with the support team
- Increased instrumentation sensitivity – reduced gamma source size
- Provision of complete transport and logistics capabilities
- ISO Certified with complete insurance coverage.
- Transit times displayed in-situ
PIG TRACKING with confidence
- Isotopic tracking & transit verification during launch & retrieval
- Accuracy of location within centimetres
- Confidence in solution for location and recovery of stuck pigs
- Local support services around you simplifies the process for your team
Pig Patrol – Developed by Petritek. Deployed under licence by Radiation Professionals Australia